A digest movie of "XGames", the world's largest extreme sports festival held in California from July 19th (Wed) to 23rd (Sun). BROSH participated in the event as a VIP sponsor.
At the BROSH booth, our ambassador Mr. Drew, a stylist from Brothers Cutclub LA, participated.
Mr. Brothers Los Angeles
The BROSH booth was also bustling all day long throughout the event, and it was a good opportunity to communicate the "Japan-made" qualities of BROSH to many athletes in California.
BROSH will continue to participate in events around the world with distributors around the world.
If you are in the area, please come and join us.
■ X Games
Started in the United States in 1995, the world's largest action sports international competition has been distributed to 500 million households in 192 countries around the world, and has excited a total of more than 6 million people in 13 countries around the world.
In the summer, skateboarding, BMX, Moto X,
Top athletes in skiing and snowboarding are active in the winter, and they continue to have a tremendous impact on the action sports scene for over 25 years.
BROSHブースではアンバサダーのMR.Brothers Cutclub LA店 スタイリストDrewが参加しました。
MR.Brothers Los Angeles
■X Games
夏季はスケートボード、BMX、Moto X、 冬季はスキーとスノーボードのトップアスリートたちが活躍し、25年以上もアクションスポーツのシーンで絶大なる影響を与え続ける。
Special Thanks
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